Tag Archives: Ramazan

DAURA-E-HADITH Part 112 (23/08/2009)

Lecture On Saheeh-Bukhari By Prof.Dr.Muhammad Abdullah Qadri Islamic Educational & Cultural and Research Center USA and Canada www.iecrcna.org www.iecrcna.org

Duration: 464

DAURA-E-HADITH Part 113 (23/08/2009)

Lecture On Saheeh-Bukhari By Prof.Dr.Muhammad Abdullah Qadri Islamic Educational & Cultural and Research Center USA and Canada www.iecrcna.org www.iecrcna.org

Duration: 328

Fruit Chaat


    • 6 sliced strawberries
    • 1 orange peeled and cut into chunks
    • 1 pear cut into pieces
    • 1 apple cut into pieces
    • 1 banana peeled and sliced
    • 1/2 cup mango juice
    • 1/2 tsp Shaan Fruit Chaat Masala or any other brand


      Put all ingredients in a bowl except for the Chaat Masala,  mix them well. Sprinkle it with the Masala. Your fruit Chaat is ready.

      Source: Fatima Sharaaz