Tag Archives: quran


www.iecrcna.org Brief Commentory On (Parah No 26) By Prof.Dr.Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah Qadri Islamic Educational & Cultural and Research Center USA and Canada http

Duration: 413


www.iecrcna.org Brief Commentory On (Parah No 27) By Prof.Dr.Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah Qadri Islamic Educational & Cultural and Research Center USA and Canada http

Duration: 587

Laylatul-Qadr (The Night of Power)


Assalatu Wa’assalamu ‘Alaika Ya Rasool Allah
Wa ‘alaa Aalika Wa as-haabika Ya Habeeb Allah

In the last part of the Holy Month of Ramadan, a night comes which is known as “Lailatul Qadr”. We are supposed to search this night in the last part of Ramadan by praying, reciting the Holy Quran and by remembering Allah (The Most Exalted). In this night we get a lot of benefits on our good deeds and all our prayers get fulfilled. The description of this night is present in the Holy Quran in Surah Al-Qadr, Surah No.97, Part 30.

The prayer in this night has more importance than the prayers of 1000 months. The Angel Gabriel and other angels come on earth with lots of blessing and mercy from Allah (The Most Exalted) and shake hands with those who are praying.  

Surah Al-Qadr 


Innaa anzalnaahu fii Laylatil Qadr.  

Wa maa adraaka maa Laylatul Qadr?  

Laylatul-Qadri khayrum-min alfi Shahr.  

Tanazzalul-malaa-ikatu war-Ruuhu fiihaa bi-idhni Rabbihim-min-kulli amr.  

Salaamun Hiya hattaa matla-‘il-Fajr! 


 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Lo! We revealed it on the Night of Power.
Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Night of Power is!
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
The angels and the Spirit descend therein, by the permission of their Lord, with all decrees.
(That night is) Peace until the rising of the dawn.

Alim Shaikh

Alim Shaikh is a dedicated eleven year old budding Islamic scholar (insha Allah) who submitted this brief article from the Kingdom of Bahrain.