Tag Archives: Dreams

Tafseer-e-Quran Part 87 (05/July/2009)

Lecture On Tafseer-e-Quran Surah Al-Baqarah verse 230 By Prof.Dr.Muhammad Abdullah Qadri Islamic Educational & Cultural and Research Center USA and Canada www.iecrcna.org http

Duration: 504

The Science of Dreams (Part 3)

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Volume 1, Issue 3 (Shawwal 1424)

Dream interpretation is a part of prophethood, therefore anyone wishing to interpret dreams should give the proper respect and commitment to this undertaking.   To be a good dream interpreter, ideally one should have sound knowledge of the Qur’an and the Hadiths (sayings and life) of Prophet Muhammad, (Peace Be Upon Him), and sayings of the Sahaba –companions of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).  Consequently, knowledge of the Arabic language will also prove to be very helpful.  Other qualities which will help one to be a good  dream interpreter are the ability to judge the character of the dreamer by their facial features, and possessing an even temperament, social manners, and sincerity of intention.

Dreams can be interpreted in many different ways, according to the circumstances, and depending upon the person who has had the dream.  Sometimes dreams can be interpreted according to verses from the Holy Qur’an, or in terms of Hadiths or sayings of the Sahaba, or even sometimes according to popular sayings, such as proverbs or idiomatic expressions.  Dreams can also be interpreted directly in terms of the thing or person being dreamt about.

Sometimes, however, dreams will have the opposite meaning from what appears in the dream.  Dream interpretation, therefore, is both a science and an art, requiring the interpreter to be knowledgeable, yet also flexible according to the given person and circumstances, in order to come to the correct interpretation.

For example, there may be a dream in which he or she sees a hand tied to the neck.  If the person who saw this dream is a very righteous and pious person, it may signify that he or she will be refrained from disobeying Allah Almighty and His Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him) and from committing some sinful act.  However, if the person who saw this dream is not strong in faith, it may indicate the opposite meaning, e.g., that he or she will be kept in a state of helplessness or suffering in the afterlife unless there is repentance for misdeeds.

Dreams can also be interpreted according to the time in which they are seen.  For example, to dream during the night of oneself riding an elephant means one will successfully handle an important matter, but the same dream in the daytime may indicate a domestic dispute.

The strongest dreams, which are most easily interpreted, occur at the end of the night just before waking.  The weakest dreams occur in winter or whenever there is rain.  The best time of year for propitious dreams is the time of fruit harvesting.

If the dream is highly symbolic and coherent, the interpreter only has to apply his or her knowledge directly to interpret the dream.  In case there are ambiguous aspects of the dream, the interpreter should find out how the person felt during the dream.  If, however, there seems to be no coherency or strong symbolism or essential principle in the dream, it should simply be dismissed.

If the dream is connected to nature or to a creature, it is important for the interpreter to understand the symbolism of the objects or creatures seen.  Usually, trees, birds, and ferocious animals represent human beings.  The species or type seen must be examined.  With trees, for example, a palm tree may indicate a person of good character with a generous nature, just as a palm tree is upright and provides abundant nourishing sweet dates, while a walnut tree could indicate a person who is harsh and aggressive, because synonymously a walnut shell is very hard, and the nut is difficult to extract, and its taste is slightly bitter.

There are different types of dream interpretation.  Following are several examples from the different sources of dream interpretation.  The purpose of this is to give a general outline of the ways in which dreams can generally be viewed and interpreted.

Dream Interpretation According to the Holy Qur’an

Examples of dream symbolism which may be properly interpreted in the light of the Qur’an are:

Eggs: An egg may be taken as a symbol of a woman, because of the verse: “as if they were closely protected eggs,” (37:49)

Stones: A stone is a symbol of hard-heartedness, as in the verse: “Then your hearts became hard after that – so that they were like stones, or even harder still.” (2:74)

Raw meat: Raw meat is indicative of slander, because of the verse:  “do not slander one another; would any one among you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? So you will hate that!” (49:12)

Keys: Keys point to an increase in material goods, as is stated in the Qur’an: “We gave him treasures, the keys alone to which made up a heavy load for a group of strong men.” (28:76)

Boats: A  boat signifies one being watched over and helped by Allah, The Most Exalted, such as when Allah rescued Prophet Nuh (Noah), peace be upon him, such as is referred to in the verses:  “We rescued him, and those with him, in the Ark” (10:73) and “So We rescued him and the Companions of the Ark.” (27:15)

Kings entering a new land or house: A king entering a new land or home can foretell a calamity for the dreamer or for his or her community or country, because of the verse: “Kings, when they enter a city, lay waste to it and make the mighty among its inhabitants abased.” (27:34)

Clothing: Clothing indicates one’s spouse, as it is written in the Qur’an: “They (women) are clothing for you and you are clothing for them.” (2:187)

Dream Interpretation According to Hadith

Examples of dreams in accordance with the Hadith of the Prophet, (Peace Be Upon Him) would be that of a mouse representing a wicked woman, as in the Hadith in which it is referred to as “a small wicked thing.”  A rib also symbolizes a woman, because of the Hadith that woman was created from a bent rib.

Dream Interpretation According to Proverbs or Idioms

Common proverbs or idioms may lend insight to dream interpretation.  Some examples are:

A long arm: A long arm symbolizes generosity, as in the saying: “So-and-so has a longer arm than you.”  This expression would mean that the other person is more generous.

Spit: Spit is a symbol of a son, as in the expression said when a boy resembles his father: “He is the spitting image of his father.”

Washing hands with soap: Washing hands with soap indicates despair, as in the expression, “I wash my hands of you.”  This means that one can expect no good outcome from the person or situation being confronted.

Dream Interpretation According to the Dream Object

Sometimes dreams can be interpreted directly by the object that is seen, such as narcissus and rose showing lack of longevity because they are not long-lasting flowers, or on the other hand, myrtle showing one’s longevity because of it being long-lasting.

Dreams With Opposite Meaning of What is Seen

Depending upon the feeling experienced by the dreamer, the meaning of a dream may actually be the opposite of what appears.  For example, tears in a dream may be an expression of joy if they are shed in silence.  Similarly, joy, laughter, and dancing may be a mask for inner sadness and worry.  In a dream of two persons fighting, the person losing may actually be the winner.

To be continued insha Allah…

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Qadri

Dr. Qadri is Founding  Director of IECRC. He is a renowned known scholar from Pakistan, who taught at the University of Karachi for over 20 years. He has expertise in both modern education as well as traditional Islamic sciences, having completed the 18 year Dars-e-Nizami course from Pakistan. Dr. Qadri has studied with eminent scholars from Al-Azhar University, Cairo. He has dedicated his life to spreading the light and love of our Beloved Master Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

The Science of Dreams (Part 2)

August 16, 2003 / Jamad-uth-Thani 1424

Volume 1, Issue 2

This is the second in a series of articles on the Science of Dreams.  It is hoped that the discussion of the science of dreams can be beneficial to those who wish to interpret dreams of others or of their own.

1. Earthquakes: Dreaming of an earthquake indicates a major event taking place in the world or in one’s life.  If someone sees mountains shaking, it is a sign of corrupted scholars, which means that scholars will sell out their consciousness, writings, and honor, for the sake of money and worldly resources.  It is a bad sign if someone sees a victim of an earthquake; it may indicate impending death or illness.  If one sees a house shaking, it indicates trouble in family life. 

2. Mountains and Hills: To dream of mountains or hills represents meeting men of great worth; the more grand the mountain, the more valuable the person.  They may also represent one’s own spiritual power and authority.  Climbing up a hill or mountain is gaining elevation in spiritual growth or gaining greater closeness with one’s sheikh.  To see yourself on the peak of the mountain means to have authority within society.  To possess a mountain means to have control over emotions or society.  Destroying a mountain reflects someone’s personality as a killer of a man.  Digging up any part of the mountain indicates skill in outmaneuvering someone who is trying to gain control over you.  To climb up a very steep mountain side points out difficulties in achieving one’s goals or desires.  Powerful men may harm the dreamer if he sees himself moving large stones, crags or mountains.

3. The Earth: Seeing land spreading out before you into the distance indicates a long, peaceful and happy life.  Seeing land twisting underneath you may either indicate imminent death, or gaining spiritual power if one is prepared to handle the situation.  Hearing the earth speak to you in a dream is a powerful message of obtaining great wealth or power in this world.  If one dreams of any inanimate object speaking to him, this signifies Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala has given you power of understanding of secret, hidden matters.  To be swallowed up by the earth shows materialism, going after things of this world.  Falling into a hole in the earth is a sign of potential harm being done by one’s enemy.  Seeing sand, dust, earth or similar elements points to gaining wealth.  Eating earth symbolizes consumption of wealth, but if one is covered in dust while eating, it means that they will receive considerable wealth.  If one dreams of walking on a dusty road or gravel road, or of carrying earth on one’s back, this symbolizes receiving great reward after accomplishing a very heavy task.  Digging in the earth while eating something shows making material gains by using trickery or deceit.  Seeing dust in the air or fog shows an uncertain outcome for a business venture or educational aspiration.  Dreaming of a vast fertile land covered with greenery, or of a large plain, represents Islam.  Following a straight path in the land is synonymous with following the straight path of Islam, while deviating on the path in the dream is also synonymous with going astray in the path of Islam.  

4.  Shops and Houses: Dreaming of markets or shops means an unexpected increase in business or money or a job offer from an unseen source, or an increase in domestic peace.  Unfamiliar shops indicate that one will travel somewhere new very shortly.  A house with strangers or in an unknown place represents the Hereafter, whether good or bad.  If a house is being renovated or expanded, it may indicate increase in honor or increase in family harmony.  Seeing a house collapse or being destroyed symbolizes one’s spiritual status being lowered because of misconduct.  Building a house shows the coveting of this world, but if it is built in an unknown place it means building up good deeds in this life that will benefit one greatly in the next world.  If the house in an unknown place is being destroyed, it is synonymous with one’s good deeds being destroyed in this life through disobedience to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala and His Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallalahoo Alaihe Wasallum.  In the case that the house is in a known place, then destruction may indicate one’s irresponsibility and thoughtlessness in actions, particularly spending.

5. Walls, Stairs, and Doors: Falling from a wall denotes a downfall in business, education, health, or spiritual degradation.  Jumping down from the wall however may show one’s ability to face the challenges of society.  Standing on top of a wall where you can see most of the city or the roofs of the houses, it reflects one’s intelligence and support from friends and hometown.  If the city walls crumble down, this shows the spiritual degradation of a society and may portend its destruction or punishment from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.  Dreaming of climbing stairs or ladders symbolizes ascension in Islam and in the next world.  Brick stairs indicate spending in alms.  Staircases of plaster, wood, or clay show ascension in this world.  To dream of a door of a house falling down means facing a sickness followed by recovery.  If a door of a room is torn off, then there may be a death of a member of one’s family.  If a door is open but obstructed by another object, this signifies the possibility of a divorce or separation or any other serious domestic problem.  Opening an unfamiliar door means one’s prayers will be granted Insha Allah Ta’ala. 

Allah and His Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallalahoo Alaihe Wasallum Know Best.

Suggestions to the dreamer: An individual who dreams should observe the following principles of dreams:

1. Any dream at the time of reporting must begin with Bismillah Hir Rahmannir Rahim.

2. The dreamer should not mention the dream to a person who does not know about alpha  and omega of dreams.

3. Dream should not be reported after sunset.

4. Dua to recite after seeing any dream: Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Hamdan Katheeran

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Qadri

Dr. Qadri is Founding  Director of IECRC. He is a renowned known scholar from Pakistan, who taught at the University of Karachi for over 20 years. He has expertise in both modern education as well as traditional Islamic sciences, having completed the 18 year Dars-e-Nizami course from Pakistan. Dr. Qadri has studied with eminent scholars from Al-Azhar University, Cairo. He has dedicated his life to spreading the light and love of our Beloved Master Muhammad, prayers and peace of Allah be upon Him.