Tag Archives: Depression

Severe Depression

A lady had been complaining about constantly feeling tired and was suffering from severe depression. She wanted to kill herself. She felt heaviness on her shoulders and was going bald (possibly because of pulling hair out herself.) The lady had been suffering like this for fifteen years. She has been undergoing treatment during the past year and has recovered from her problems. Her hair has grown back and her mental state has recovered. Her family life has improved greatly.

Headaches and Severe Depression

A female patient had been suffering from pounding headaches and depression for the past four years. She felt lethargic and had lost the emotional attachment to her children. Sometimes she would break down and cry for long durations, and also had lost a lot of hair. She also heard voices and felt something moving in her body. Doctors and psychologists had conducted a variety of tests including MRIs to diagnose her problem and she had been on various anti-depressants such as Prozac. She came for spiritual treatment and felt much better after the first few sessions, which consisted of prayers of certain Quranic verses. She is regularly drinking water in which a paper with Quranic verses (taweez) has been put. Her family has noticed a marked improvement in her condition and the patient now feels love towards her children.