Tag Archives: Barakah

Ahadith – On Cooling Food Before Consumption

Darami relates from Asmaa radiallahu anha that when Tharid (a Arabian dish that the Beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam liked) was brought, she’d order that it be covered so that the steam may subside and would say “I have heard from the Beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam that by doing this barakah (blessing) is increased.”

From Haakim, Jaabir radiallahu anhu, and from Abu Daud Asmaa radiallahu anha relate that he sallallahu alayhe wasallam would say “Let the food cool down because there is no barakah (blessing) in hot food.”

Ahadith – On Eating a Fallen Morsel

In Tabarani Hadrat Ibn Abbas radiallahu anhuma reports that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam prohibited us to blow in water and food (to cool it and one should rather wait for the food to naturally cool).

In Sahih Muslim, Hadrat Jabir radiallahu anhu relates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam said “Shaytan is ever present in all you attempt. At the time you eat, he is there too.  Therefore, if a morsel falls down and something attaches to it, clean it off and eat it and do not leave it for Shaytan and when you have completed your meal, lick your fingers because one never knows which part of the meal contains the barakah.”

Ibn Maajah reports from Hadrat Hasan Basri rahmatullahi alayhe who relates that Hadrat Mu’qil ibn Yasaar radiallahu anhu was eating when a morsel fell from his hand. He picked it up, cleaned and ate the morsel. On seeing this, the unlearned around him indicated with their eyes to each other (that his action was lowly and disliked).  Someone said “May Allah do good for my Commander…”, Hadrat Mu’qil ibn Yasaar radiallahu anhu was in the position of a Commander and Chief among them, “…these unlearned people are indicating to each other that you have picked up a fallen morsel despite there being plenty of food in front of you.” He replied, “I cannot leave that which I have heard from my Beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam because of these ‘Ajamis (non-Arabs).  We were commanded that if a morsel were to fall that we should clean it and eat it and not leave it for Shaytan.”

Ibn Maajah reports that the Mother of the Believers Hadrat ‘Aisha radiallahu anha relates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam entered his home and found a piece of bread on the floor.  He sallallahu alayhe wasallam picked it up, cleaned it and ate it then said “O ‘Aisha, honor good things because once this leaves a nation, it never returns.” meaning that rizq (sustenance) does not return to a nation of ingrates.

Tabarani reports from Hadrat ‘Abdullah ibn Umm Haraam radiallahu anhu relates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam said “Honor bread as it is from the barakaat (blessings) of the sky and the Earth.  The one who eats the fallen food of the tablecloth (traditionally spread on the floor where people eat) will have his sins forgiven.”

Ahadith – On Licking Fingers and the Plate

In Muslim it is related from Ka’ab ibn Maalik radiallahu anhu that the Prophet sallallahu alyhe wasallam would use three fingers while eating and would lick his blessed fingers prior to wiping his hand.

In Sahih Muslim, Jaabir relates radiallahu anhu relates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam commanded us to lick our fingers and the plate and he sallallahu alayhe wasallam said that you do not know (or you never know) which part of the food contains the barakah.

Related in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim Abdullah ibn Abbas radiallahu anhuma relates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam said that after eating do not wipe your hand until you lick it, or have somone else lick it (meaning have only the one who does not hold hatred for you lick it, such as students or mureeds –spiritual aspirants– of a Shaykh as they consider eating the leftovers of their teacher or Shaykh as a great honor and happiness).

Imam Ahmed, Tirmidhi, and Ibn Maajah rahmatullahi alyhim report that Nabishah radiallahu anhu relates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam said that he who licks his plate will have it seek forgiveness for him. In Zarin’s radiallahu anhu narration, the plate will say “May Allah Most High free you from Jahannam (Hell) as you have saved me from Shaytan.”