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Worship During the Days of Hajj

The intent of this document is to bring to the attention of the readers of this blog the great spiritual benefits of the blessed nights and days of the Sacred month of Dhul Hijjah.  One is encouraged to derive benefit from  practicing the prescribed acts of worship.

Virtues of the Sacred Month of Dhul Hijjah


Moody Teenagers

When you see that your teenager is excessively moody, don’t overlook this.  Try to communicate by talking and getting to the bottom of things.  Communicate often and spend family time together.  Sometimes bonding activities (such as going out together for dinner or a game etc) of a father and son and mother and daughter is also useful to break the silence.

Here is something that will, insha-Allah help:

Every night after your teenager is asleep for 3 nights only:

  1. Read Durood Shareef (Salawaat ala an-Nabi sallAllahu alahye wasallam) 11 times.
  2. Surat ul-Maa’oun 3 times and blow in the right ear.
  3. Surat ut-Takaathur 3 times and blow in the left ear
  4. Durood Shareef 11 times again

Strengthening the Heart