Category Archives: Spirituality

The Science of Dreams

Volume 1, Issue 1 (Part 4)

May 31, 2003 / Rabi’ul Awwal 29, 1424

Dreams may sometimes be a source of excitement for those who experience it rarely, but those who experience it regularly, feel very different due to its interpretation. The science of dreams is not new; Arabs carried it out before Islam and other nations too. This science has been referred to by the Holy Quran. This could be called the science of heavenly communication. The first authentic book on this subject is Tabeer-Ur-Ruiyaa (The Interpretation of Dreams) by Abu Bakr bin Sireen. He was born two years before the end of  vicegerency of  Hadrat Uthman (R.A) in 30 AH (636). He was a Taba’ii; Taba’ii means a person who did not see The Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallum but had met companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihe Wasallum. In analyzing the science of dreams, we find out three important aspects, which are the main sources of our knowledge regarding the understanding of dreams: (1) The world of power which is concerned with pure ideas (2) The physical world or the sensory world (3) The subtle world or the intermediate world. It is a bridge between two stated worlds that provides corporeal form to reality. In this connection, it is very important to discuss some of the interpretations of dreams for readers.

1. The Sun:  Dreaming of the sun identifies father, mother and king. To see the sun rising in one’s house is synonymous with marriage for someone unmarried. For a married person it refers to power and largesse dispensed by the authority. An argument with the sun is a sign for differences either with parents or heads of states. Seeing clouds clearing the sun is a sign of relief from sickness or problems, which may be beneficial either for the dreamer or for his or her parents.

2. The Moon: Dreaming of the Moon simply points out to the birth of a pious child. The possession of the Moon means success in a profession or to be granted a big assignment in the near future. The dark or red moon refers to a bad situation for a dreamer in that he or she may be facing a hard time in the near future.

3. The Stars: Seeing the Stars is a significance of honor in society. If someone dreams about eating a star, it would be interpreted that he will be having facilities from the government or high officials. It would also refer to the receiving of higher education. Dreaming about falling stars from the sky is a sign for a tough life or imprisonment for the dreamer.

4. Fire: Just seeing fire would be interpreted as unseen problems that may occur in life. It has also been reported that fire has different colors. If the fire is red or almost like it’s natural color, it means success, but if it is blue or black it would mean hard time for the dreamer in the near future. A fire without flames or crackling which consumes part of the land is synonymous with illness and accidents. However, it is more serious if the fire is coming down from heaven to earth which means the dreamer must have committed some social injustice with their parents, or other relatives, or even with animals. If fire is without smoke, it means problems would occur in the life of the dreamer for a short period of time.

5. Rain: Dreaming of Rain is the mercy of Allah (God). If rain is heavy and it continues and if it hails, it would mean continuous problems or may be difficulties in domestic life. If a cloud covers a particular land or one particular place, it presages illness and suffering for the people of the country or location in question.

Suggestions to the dreamer:

An individual who dreams should observe the following principles of dreams:

1. Any dream at the time of reporting must begin with Bismillah Hir Rahmanir Rahim.

2. The dreamer should not mention the dream to a person who does not know the alpha  and omega of dreams.

3. Dreams should not be reported after sunset.

(To Be Continued  – Insha Allah)

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Qadri

Hazrat Syed Abul Hasan Ali bin Uthman al-Hajweri (rehmatullahi alayhe)

The 19th of Safar marks the passing anniversary of the great scholar and sufi saint of the Sub-continent who is famously known as Hazrat Daata Ganj Bukhsh rehamatullahi alaye.

Click the following link to read about his life.

Hazrat Daata Ganj Bukhsh (rahmatullahi alayhe)

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