Category Archives: Jewish

The Name of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Torah

According to a saying (Qawl) of Hadrat Ka’ab Ahbaar (may God be pleased with him), “My father used to teach me the Torah. There was a portion of the Torah that my father had locked up in a chest. When he died I opened the chest and removed that portion of the Torah and I saw the following written therein:”

“In the last days there will be born a Prophet (Nabi) who will have locks (of hair up to his shoulders). He will perform the ablution (wudu) and will use a waistband. He will be born in Makkah and will emigrate to Medina. His Community will praise  God (Tahmid lit. to thank or to praise God) abundantly. In every circumstance, his Community will glorify God (Tasbih, lit. to say Glory be to God) and will testify to His Oneness (Tahleel lit. to say that there is none worthy of worship but God). They will continue the pronounce the Greatness of God despite the high degree (of spirituality) they achieve. On the Day of Judgment, when they will rise from their graves, their hands and feet will be luminous due to the blessings of the ablution (wudu) they used to perform.

Shawahid an-Nabuwwat of Maulana Abdur Rahman Jami (may Allah shower His mercy on him)