Category Archives: Anxiety

Speech Therapy

A young baby boy of approximately two years came for treatment because his mother had complained about his speech problems. The only words he would be able to say were “Mother” (Mama) or “Father” (Dada). His treatment consisted of some Quranic verses blown onto the mouth. The mother was also given a set of Quranic verses to recite for eleven days. The baby boy immediately responded positively and was soon speaking more words. A year later, the mother brought in the same baby boy because the boy faced a different problem – he had recently been in a state in which he would constantly cry. He received the Ruqya treatment (blowing of Quranic verses) and his crying problem has gone away.

Unexplained Screaming Bouts

A mother came in for treatment with her four-year-old daughter. The daughter would get into a state in which she would suddenly start crying and yelling for no apparent reason. After receiving spiritual treatment, the girl has not suffered from these bouts.


A young girl was suffering from a fear of crowded places. If she went into a crowd, she would start crying and making strange noises. She was brought in for spiritual healing treatment and currently; she is able to sit in her classroom without any problems.