Why Tajweed?

Here at the IECRC Center in Sacramento, have heard concerns from a parents about the change in the format of the Quran classes and the addition of Tajweed Thursday. While the completion (Khatm) of the Quran is a goal of many parents, it should not be the end of their children’s’ Qur’anic studies. Some may have not heard about Tajweed or we may think that its not important for children and that they now already know how to recite. While true in a couple of cases, your child can make big mistakes in their recitation that may be carried on into their lives if it is not corrected by learning and applying the rules of Tajweed early on.

The Holy Qur’an mentions:

Or a little more; and recite the Qur’an in slow, measured rhythmic tones.

The reason for this injunction is that when pronouncing certain letters in the Qur’an, if the pronunciation (Qirat) is not correct in certain cases, it can change the meaning of the Ayat of the Qur’an.  So rather than receiving only benefit from the Qur’an, one may actually cause harm to oneself in such instances. For this reason, we have added Tajweed to this class.

Initially, your child will have some difficulty in learning the rules. This is normal. However, once he or she learn some basic rules, and apply these rules to 10-15 pages of the Qu’ran, they will be able to read thereafter, the rest of the Qur’an, insha-Allah, with proper Tajweed. This will require that your child practice the recitation of the Quran loudly at home and in class without being shy or embarrassed about how they sound or look. We will also require that parents purchase a Tajweed Musaf (a copy of the Qur’an highlighting the Tajweed rules) which we plan to order soon. The cost of it is expected to be about $20 per copy.  This will help the student stay focused on the rules of Tajweed.

Rest assured that our commitment to the betterment of the Deen of your children is our first priority and, Alhamdulillah, this is reflected in the dedication of the IECRC staff, who have been working day and night to bring you this school and this level of community service.

We ask you to trust us. We are confident that if you and your children stay the course, not only their recitation, but also their personal selves will be a means by which the Pleasure (Rida) of Allah, Most High is sought and the Love of Allah and His Beloved Rasul (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) is achieved.

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