When All Doors Seem to Close Down on You

If you feel that what ever you try ends up in failure, or everything in life seems to close down on you, or you are trying to find a way out but there seems to be no openings, or you feel that there may be some evil eye, or black magic that is preventing you from attaining success. You may read the following not to exceed 40 days after Fajr or after Isha in the state of Wudu:

  1. Read 11 times any Durood Shareef (Salawaat on the Beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam)
  2. Read Surat ul-Fatah (in the 26th Para/Juz) one time only.
  3. Supplicate (make dua) to Allah Most Exalted by the means (waseelah) of this Surah and that of the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wasallam for an opening in your situation.
  4. Read Durood Shareef 11 times again.

Important: You should try to complete this without a break, sitting quietly at one place with full concentration.  For women, stop recitation of this wazeefah during your menstruation cycle, and complete the 40 days when you can perform salaat again.

When the 40 days are over, on the 41st night, ask Allah Most Exalted to except your recitation and for Allah to grant the reward of the recitation that you had performed over the past 40 days  to the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alayhe wasallam), all of the Sahaba Kiram and Ahl Bayt (radiallahu anhum ajma’een), to Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (rehmatullahi alayhi), and to all the great Awliyah of Allah including my Grand Murshid Hazrat Badshah Mian Qadri and Hazrat Bibi Maqbul un-Nisa (his respected wife) rehmatullahi alayhima – both great Awliya of Allah.

May Allah reward you and open His doors of Rahmah on you – Ameen!