IECRC Holy Quran Conference 2012, Bahrain (under patronage of Pakistan Embassy)

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Hafiz Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Qadri, a native of Pakistan, has been blind since infancy. However despite this challenge, he is a Muslim scholar of the highest caliber. He has completed the Dars-e-Nizami (18 year traditional Islamic course) and has a Masters in Islamic Studies and Arabic (Fazil Arabic). He is a Hafiz of the Holy Quran and Shaykh-ul-Hadith. He comes from a scholarly family descended from the Bani Hashim and has learned under great teachers whose authentic chains of transmission go back to the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him and his family). He has also accomplished the highest academic achievement in the field of Political Science – Ph.D. His life-long learning was not dependent on Braille; instead it was based on memorization in the companionship of his younger brother, another erudite scholar of Islam, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Qadri, Founding Director of the Islamic Educational and Cultural Research Center, USA and Canada ( This is how Hafiz Abdullah Qadri accomplished his primary, secondary and higher education up until the post-graduate level. He has committed to memory over 200 books including those of the famous Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle. In addition to Arabic and his native language of Urdu, Dr. Abdullah Qadri has expertise in English and Persian. He has been teaching since 1984. He has also served as the Head of the Department of Political Science at University of Karachi teaching students in Political Science and Law. He has students working on their Ph.D. under his guidance and is a Research Director in the Department of Political Science. He has been awarded numerous gold medals and awards in his field and was also proclaimed “Man of the Year” by the American Historical Society in the mid 90’s. Several local & national social organizations have recognized his services. Hafiz Dr. Abdullah Qadri makes frequent appearances on QTV and Shifa TV (



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