Mending Family Relations

5 Responses to Mending Family Relations


    I would request u to help my grandson aged 6 1/2
    who is extremely rebellious, stubborn, and has now started answering back his mother. He cannot take NO for an answer, and he will throw up a crying tantrum. But the worst thing is his answerig back. Plz help me as I do no want this to take roots. We refrain from beating or slapping him. How should we handle him. EXTREMELY WORRIED

  2. MUSLIMA says:

    My situation is that I am going through a divorce and my children now want to live with their father, whom has unislamic ways and is gay. I can not let my children go, I will die with out them, and they will not follow islam if they lived with him. He is trying to get custody through court system. Please provide something special for me to pray for my kids to want to live with me, and that he will not be granted custody by court.

  3. ISMAILKHAN85 says:

    Firstly I would like to thank you and your organization for
    the wonderful work and help you are providing to the needy, I have a concern, a major one. The dua you
    have mentioned for restoring relationships, can I read this dua in the morning
    and not at night as I have time during the mornings 511 times for 40 days. Can we
    read it in breaks, 100 times each, and then later on after an hour 100 times, how does it work?. I am in deep depression
    as my wife has gone away and wants divorce, she hates me like anything and is
    not ready to come back she has misunderstood me , I feel there is a connection
    of evil eye as we had a big marriage, I love her a lot and have been praying to
    Allah for her to love me again. Kindly advice and help me please if there is more dua i can do to get her back

    Thanks and best

    Mohammed Ismail Khan

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