No Individually-Directed Prescriptions on this Site!

All the posts that have been posted publicly on this Web site are general and open to all. However, anything that IECRC posts on this site requires a great deal of responsibility (answering to Allah on the Day of Judgment) and due to the danger of misuse of often specifically-directed prescriptions, we do not provide individual prescriptions over comments.

Insha-Allah most of the postings on this site will suffice to most of your needs, bi idhnillah.  For individual prescriptions, here is the method for submitting your requests:

  1. Ask Allah to guide to that which will aid, heal, or help you in your condition.
  2. Send abundant blessings on the Beloved Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alayhe wasallam).
  3. Visit all the postings on this site before submitting a request.
  4. If you still don’t find an answer for your specific condition or issue, fill in the form below and email it to

Insha-Allah we will try our best to respond either by a general post or individually.  Please be patient before you get a response. This site represents the most common issues that people face.  If we find that a particular issue is coming up repeatedly we will often post a general posting.

You are welcome to post comments and request duas (supplication) but there is no way we can respond to each individual request via comments.  Perhaps someone will read your comment and make a supplication that Allah accepts so continue to post your dua requests.

Pray to Allah for our success and if there is anything I have said that is not correct, it is from me and I seek Allah’s forgiveness and if others benefit then it is from Allah.

Sharaaz Khan, Qadri

Hopetoheal Admin