Rajab: What to Read on the 27th Day


The following narration taken from the famous Ghunya of the great Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani radi Allahu anhu:
It is narrated from Hazrat Al-Hasan al-Basri (21 Hijri – 110 Hijri, may Allah have mercy on him), who said:

 “Whenever the twenty-seventh of Rajab came around, Abdullah ibn Abbas radi Allahu anhuma would start the day as a mu’takif [i.e. someone who follows the practice called i’tikaf, meaning withdrawal into a state of seclusion in order to concentrate on religious devotions, especially while fasting]. He would devote the whole morning to prayer, upto and including the obligatory ritual prayer at noon [Dhuhr]. After performing the noon prayer, he would stroll about for a little while to stretch his legs, then he would perform an extra salat-prayer consisting of four cycles. In each cycle [rak’a], he would recite Surah Al-Fatiha one time only, then Surah Al-Falaq & Surah An-Naas [Al-Mu’awwidhataan], also one time only, then Surah Al-Qadr [#97] three times, and then Surah Al-Ikhlaas fifty times. He would then devote himself to continuous supplication [du’a], until it was time to perform the obligatory late-afternoon ritual prayer (‘Asr). ‘This,’ he used to say, ‘is exactly what Allah’s Messenger sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam always did on this particular day.'”

May Allah Ta’ala accept our ibaadaat bi Waseelatil Habeeb sal Allahu alayhi wa Aalihi wa sallam. Aameen.