Breaking Continuous Fever

2 Responses to Breaking Continuous Fever

  1. MUSLIMSIS says:

    1.A woman and her parents want to force her husband to divorce her so that she may marry my brother for his status. The husband loves his wife and does not want to divorce his wife.

    Meanwhile her parents are encouraging my brother to have an affair with their daughter so that they can benefit from his help. In the beginning my brother refused to do so for religious reasons but finally they convinced him and almost forced him to accept that there is nothing wrong because the woman claims that she does not like her husband anymore.

    Now my brother thinks he loves the married woman and intends to marry her. However, sometimes he says he regrets having accepted their proposal and he wants to let down the married woman. When he tells her and her parents about it, they put pressure on him to force him to go ahead with their daughter and not to give up. He then feels uneasy about it because he says he feels guilty to go back on his word.

    I am profoundly anxious about such a situation because this will imply breaking a marriage forcefully against the woman’s husband’s will(may Allah prevent this from happening, ameen). My mother and I can’t do anything about it because he won’t listen to us and may do something wrong if we prevent him from going ahead.My mother and I have no other means left than to make du’as for him.

    Can you please give a du’a that I can read for him:
    to remove illegitimate love in the heart of my brother
    and another du’a for him not to submit to their pressure and bad advice so that he can have guts to refuse to marry their daughter?

    2. My sister went to follow a 2-year course to become an ‘aalima, but unfortunately, they taught her to become ghayr muqallideen and that’s what she is now. I am desperate about her situation because I have been explaining her through mails that this is wrong but she wouldn’t listen at all. She even says that my mother, my brother and me are on the wrong path because we are hanafis.

    3. Finally, I am experiencing difficulties to do my ibaadahs since a year or 2. Before I could do much more and with more concentration. I have special difficulties on thursdays and fridays.

    I ask you to forgive me for so much trouble. I would be grateful if you could tell me what du’as to make. Jazaak Allah Khayran.

    • SHARAAZ KHAN says:

      Isn’t it a strange world we live in! It is even more perplexing when our Muslims behave in the way they do nowadays.

      Just disliking ones husband is not a grounds for divorce, unless there is a right that is not given. Even then, one is encouraged to bare with patience and in that is great virtue and reward with Allah. Anyone attempting to break up the marriage of a family without any legal authority or grounds is committing sin and should refrain. Insha-Allah I will write an email to you on what your mother needs to read to get him to his senses, if in fact that is what is going on.

      As the people who your sister has become involved with…there are people who appear religious, sound pious, and when you see them you’d think that you are deficient in your faith. These people are not far from the Khawarij at the time of the Beloved (sallallahu alyhe wasallam), in fact they are descendant from them. They recite the Qur’an yet it never leaves they throats. These 2-year ‘Aalima courses have caused much damage to the ummah. They corrupt people’s beliefs and are called the Bandits of Iman preying on the innocent people who are seeking Allah on a road not well-known. I will send you a dua for her situation, insha-Allah!

      For those who have the zeal to study and learn, please, please contact people who have sat with traditional scholars, who are learning from scholars who have learned from scholars in unbroken chains all the way to the Prophet (sallallahu alyhe wasallam). The best way to recognize people if you can’t find them is their adab. How are they to all people? Muslim and non-Muslim…How gentle and forgiving they are to anyone? Watch out for arrogance and any other bad habits. That is a good guide and then ask us on this forum or visit us on We offer many classes in religious education to get you going.

      If you are distracted in prayer. This is caused by a Shaytan called “Khanzab.” After you complete your prayer seek refuge with Allah (A-oodhu Billahi Min ash-shaytaan ar-rajeem) and spit three times over your left shoulder. This spitting does not involve spit (ony air).

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