Severe Depression

A lady had been complaining about constantly feeling tired and was suffering from severe depression. She wanted to kill herself. She felt heaviness on her shoulders and was going bald (possibly because of pulling hair out herself.) The lady had been suffering like this for fifteen years. She has been undergoing treatment during the past year and has recovered from her problems. Her hair has grown back and her mental state has recovered. Her family life has improved greatly.

5 Responses to Severe Depression

  1. S.J says:

    my son is going thru major depression.dont understand, whether it is schrizophrenia or depression.he is on meds.

  2. SHARAAZ KHAN says:

    Please send us a detailed description of his illness by filling in the Patient Information Form to We need his history and symptom information to be able to treat his condition appropriately.

    Please post the symptoms here as well so others can understand the nature of the problem. He doesn’t have to leave his meds. We will treat him in parallel. Where are you located?


    I have sever problem of anexiety and depression also Alcoholism. Please help me in healing. I am on Nexito 20mg.

  4. AISHA says:

    I have the problem of severe depression so much so that my hair are falling and i have dont remember things although i am only 21 years old. sometimes i take medicine but soon it starts again. i have problem that i feel things too much and i am very sensitive.
    i have no good friends and everyone breaks my trust. i have alot of bitter experiences in my life which have changed my personality. i am a weak person and everyone dominates me. please help me.

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