Mental Illness and Drug Use

The patient is a teenager and has been suffering from various ailments for approximately 6 months. Some of his problems started when he started smoking marijuana with his friends. Although he smoked recreationally and was not addicted, he did suffer from mental and physical disorders. Generally, the patient was feeling restless and could not stay still for any long duration of time. He suffered from insomnia and suffered shortness of breath and sometimes a burning pain in the chest. He felt that his mind was telling him to walk around and “escape” from his surroundings. He also was quick to get angry and would get tired easily. The patient visited doctors for his breathing problems but X-rays did not reveal anything abnormal. Medical doctors said that the patient showed no physical signs. A psychologist that the patient visited said that although he (the patient) was very intelligent, he needed to think before he acted and stop smoking marijuana. The patient though, did not want to quit smoking as a social and emotional outlet. The patient’s father found out about the services offered by IECRC and brought his son in for treatment. The patient has been receiving treatment for approximately three months and has stopped smoking marijuana. The patient stated that he felt better immediately after drinking the taweez water and having some Quranic verses recited and blown upon him (traditionally referred to as ‘Dum’). Since receiving his first treatment, he has not smoken any marijuana. Along with drinking the water containg taweez, the patient does come once a week to IECRC services to receive the ‘Dum’ treatment and participate in Zikr (spiritual gathering). The patient has seen an improvement in the relationship with his family and does not feel restless as before. His shortness of breath has improved and his mind is more at rest. He claims that he just wants to be “normal” and is very satisfied with the help he has received.

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